Rainbow Dash isĪpplejack and Rainbow Dash after the successful compromise and planting of Bloomberg. She and Pinkie Pie later decide to go after the buffalo to rescue Spike and Bloomberg, and they learn that because of the trees in Appleloosa, they're unable to travel to their traditional stampeding grounds. Applejack is upset over the loss of Bloomberg, and Rainbow Dash tries to comfort her. Rainbow Dash goes on top of the train to stop one of the younger buffalo but is too late and the caboose of the train, holding Spike and Bloomberg, is left behind. There is a stampede of buffalo who attack the train, frightening the passengers. They travel on a train, with Bloomberg in the caboose, where Spike decides to take a nap. In Over a Barrel (S1E21) Applejack is delivering an apple tree named Bloomberg to Appleloosa, a town to the west where her cousin, Braeburn, lives. At the end of the episode, they run back through the woods together to take care of the leaves that got left behind. They realize how unsportsmanlike they performed, and decide together that it's more important to do things together as friends than to win. They cross the finish line and begin to argue over who came in first, only to realize that they both tied for the last place and that because of their arguing, they lost sight of the true meaning of the race, to bring down the leaves from the trees. This would become one of the most iconic scenes for Appledash. The race continues on, and as they near the finish line, they begin shoving more aggressively, to the point where Applejack accidentally rips off the rope that was holding Rainbow Dash's wings, which makes her try to fly offĪpplejack and Rainbow Dash on a final run together. They start off in the lead, taunting each other and pushing each other lightly to get the other off-course. In this race, Rainbow Dash has her wings tied to her side to make sure she can't get ahead using them. Participate in the Running of the Leaves. Rainbow Dash says that she could beat her with or without wings, so they decide toĪpplejack and Rainbow Dash at the starting line Applejack points this out, and jeers at Rainbow Dash, saying she wouldn't be able to beat her. In multiple parts of the competition, however, Rainbow Dash uses her wings to make the events easier for her, since Applejack is an Earth Pony. To fairly judge this, they participate in an Iron Pony Competition. In Fall Weather Friends (S1E13), Applejack and Rainbow Dash are competing to see who's the stronger pony. Because of this bond, they grow closer than before and become part of the Mane Six. In the second episode, they are shown to both represent Elements of Harmony, Applejack being honesty and Rainbow Dash being loyalty.
#Mlp applejack anthro series
The series starts off with them having a previously established relationship as friends. 1.8 MLP:FiM Animated Shorts: Best Gift Ever.