about these awful bouts I was told to gargle 4 times a day with warm water and salt. I never had allergies as bad as I have them now. I do two breathing treatments per day and inhaler. Went through a bad bout of bronchitis and then pneumonia. I have had this since the beginning of the year. When it comes on its awful, scratchy, burning on left side of my throat, gagging, red face, eyes watering like crazy, coughing until I almost or actually throw up. I do my best to suck the heck out of the cough drop to get some kind of coating on my throat asap. And, it doesn't matter if I put one in my mouth, once it's started there is no stopping it. I keep a large supply of cough drops in my home, car and purse. It is embarrassing to go out, I am always on guard. Skinny and Miserable, Your story sounds a lot like my mine. Anyway, in case this is useful, I wanted to post it. I also drank a lot of water so my throat wasn't so dry, since this may have predisposed me to the whole bizarre thing. Anyway, it helped enough to allow me to run to the drug store to get choroseptic spray, which helped even more. Maybe it shrinks your tongue a bit and pulls it back off the reflex. So I looked up what dentists do to calm gag reflexes, and the site said a bit of salt on the tongue will work (not clear why, just does) or chloroseptic spray (which is a numbing agent, used to ease the pain of a sore throat). Anyway, it happened again that night when I got into bed and turned the air conditioner on - I guess, the air blowing triggered it. The feeling was something like having a tongue depressor stuck down on the right side of your throat. I tried water and hard candy, but for like an hour and a half, I was ridiculously uncomfortable. After that, I couldn't get my gag reflex to calm down. I was in public and panicked a bit, thinking I was going to throw up. Somehow, my throat got so dry that when I inhaled at one point, the dryness of the air hit my gag reflex, and I started coughing and gagging.

It started with a scratchy throat and laryngitis. It isn't the end of the world but is very annoying as it is something you keep thinking about and when I think about gagging I gag!! The Doctor said that it's the acid that makes me gag as it is generally worse in the morning - have also been to a Hypnotist but that didn't work! I do sometimes gag if I'm about to go out or have a meeting so I also think it's alot to do with the mind and something that your body learns to do which is annoying! As I said, the gagging started about 1 year ago when in my last job I was getting loads of pressure - I've since started my own firm and no longer have the pressure I was put under but still have these gagging fits every day. I have suffered with a Haetus Hernia for about 5 years and always have a dull ache in my stomach and do get heartburn. The things I use are mints or chewing gum and tons of water - recently the gum I normally have has been making me gag though so at present just have mints, water and rescue remedy - this seems to soothe the gag reflex as it's quite strong tasting. Hi, I've had the same thing for about 1 year now - I generally gag when I'm on my own and even though I feel like gagging in front of other people (apart from my wife!) I can generally control it.